Allen Pelletier Lovers of the Good Book Club
Wednesdays at 7:10 – 8:45 PM
Dr. Rick Sams and his family’s home:
2010 Wellington RD, North Augusta, SC 29841
If you are a Christ follower or wondering about what a life with God looks like, and enjoy reading, please join us for a time of fellowship, refreshment, and reflection. Dessert and beverages will be served.
Current Study
"Strength to Love"
Martin Luther King Jr.

C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity Videos
For questions and further info:
contact Rick at 904-228-3676
He has shown you, O Man, what is good and what the LORD requires of you.
It is to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
This book club is in honor of

Dr. Allen Pelletier was a beloved professor of family medicine at MCG for years – esteemed by patients, colleagues and students. He passed away unexpectedly in 2019. Allen loved God, loved life, loved his wife and children, loved his neighbor and colleagues and loved his patients. On his last full day of living, he was in a group, discussing a book about the nature of love. For more about his life, see https://magazines.augusta.edu/2024/02/06/a-colorful-life/.
I think to love another person means to seek their highest good. I think we should love our patients because, as a physician, we should seek the highest good for our patients and for what we do in healthcare.
– Allen Pelletier, MD, July 11, 2019